New cable news program on the tube tonight

Carrie Sutton

A new cable show will premiere on the Ames cable station today.

“Iowa News and Ideas,” a talk show that will discuss key Iowa issues, will air on channel 10 on the Ames cable system at 7:30 p.m.

This 30-minute, volunteer-operated program also will appear on eight public access cable channels across the state.

The first show will discuss corporate tax breaks and corporate welfare based on a recent study. This study was co-written by former Iowa Rep. David Osterberg and Peter Fisher, an associate professor from the University of Iowa, and was sponsored by the Iowa Federation of Labor and the Iowa United Auto Workers.

Future shows will discuss parental notification in association with the abortion law that was recently passed, the environment, economics and community issues.

Joe Bolkcom, host for the show, said, “This is the kind of show you want to program your VCR for.”

Bolkcom encourages viewers to give feedback to the show through letters or e-mail. He also welcomes viewers to send topic ideas on videotapes.

Bob Muffoletto, sponsor of “Iowa News and Ideas” on the Cedar Falls public access channel, sees the show as a way to increase awareness of statewide issues.

“Part of our responsibility of supporting and participating in a democracy is to stay informed. These programs are an effort to do just that,” Muffoletto said.

He said many news shows do not usually have the time to discuss key issues and “Iowa News and Ideas” wants to change that. The purpose of the show is to “educate” and get Iowans involved in issues in their state.

Bolkcom said the series is “an attempt to bring a vital discussion of community and public affairs back to local television.”

“Iowa News and Ideas” may be seen in Ames, Cedar Falls, Des Moines and the Quad Cites, as well as other cities and towns in the state. The air times in Ames vary daily. The show may be seen at 7:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., Thursdays at 10 p.m. and Fridays at 6:30 p.m.

Bolkcom also encourages people to access the show’s web site at