Reactions to the Beardshear Eight verdicts

Stephanie Murphy

Ronald Neil Clark


Community and Regional Planning

“I was a part of The Movement last year. The protest was thoroughly researched and thoughtfully planned out by members beforehand. Members also talked to administrators before the meeting and there was no threat of Movement members losing any positions within the university.

“The verdict is highly unfair. I think the university stabbed the students in the back. They should have received the written reprimands they were originally notified of as a norm for such an event.”

Abigail Cook



“I don’t think the students are being heard. There are underlying issues.

“People who are making big decisions and are supposed to be listening aren’t really listening. The officials are getting all caught up in the ‘should have done this or that’ and not really listening to what the people are trying to say. I think the judgments were made on what The Movement stands for.”

Jason Karwal


Agriculture Business

“I understand the Beardshear Eight’s point of view, but they probably should have gone about it another way, maybe by showing a little more compromise when they were asked to leave in the first place. Being stubborn may have made other people not want to hear the Beardshear Eight’s side of the story. Their sentence was fair.”

Bill McCarthy

Professor of English

“It’s highly inappropriate, inconsistent, unexpected, unnecessary and overly harsh. The students involved were told they would be given a written reprimand.

“It seems to me that the ball is in the administration’s court. The administration ought to do the discreet thing and back off. The administration is asking for trouble. I see no reason why students in elected positions can be told by administrators to ‘get out.'”

Liz Gries



“From my knowledge of Meron, [Wondwosen, one of the students given conduct probation] she has a lot of qualities ISU would want to be represented as. She is intelligent and obviously they all feel strongly about this issue.

“Withholding the students’ university office privileges would be a tragic loss for ISU. They are some of the best leaders this campus has seen.”

Roderic Etheridge


Visual Studies

“That’s wrong [for the students to receive conduct probation]. The university can come up with a better way of dealing with it than by taking away positions. That’s drastic.”