From President Jischke

President Jischke

Ms. Lisa Hermsen

The Second Wave

203 Ross Hall

Ms. Louise Libby


English Graduate Students Association

203 Ross Hall

Ms. Theresa Thompson


Asian Pacific-American Awareness Coalition

Memorial Union

Dear Ms. Hermsen, Ms. Libby and Ms. Thompson:

I read in this morning’s edition of the Iowa State Daily (Feb. 13) that you are seeking to hold a rally at Beardshear Hall on Monday, February 17, 1997. It is my understanding that Kathleen MacKay, dean of students, is willing to approve the rally to meet on the steps in front of Beardshear Hall.

The newspaper article indicates that you wish to meet with me. I am very willing to meet with you. I am out of town on Monday during the indicated time of your rally; I suggest 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 1997.

Since I will be out of town on Monday, I have asked John Kozak, the provost, and Daniel Robinson, interim vice president for student affairs, to meet you on the steps of Beardshear to hear your concerns.

I look forward to hearing from you and to meeting with you at a mutually convenient time.


Martin C. Jischke
