Confusing race with culture
February 25, 1997
You have heard it all before: “What’s the matter with you white ISU students?!” You don’t care enough about the ideas we keep screaming at you day in and day out! Why can’t you jump on our bandwagon and sing our song? Why don’t you care? Why do you keep worrying about your own insignificant lives? Why can’t yo just agree with us and let us lead you where we want you to go? What? You don’t agree with our views on the issues’. You vicious RAClSTS! Can’t you see that we, at the Daily, at the Drummer, and in the ‘student movements’ are the only whites that are pure and innocent? We know what’s good for you, you racist heathens. Come worship at our altars. partake of our communion, be one of US! Don’t be an individual and don’t you dare think for yourself!”
Are you sick of it yet? I know I am.
Brian Johnson’s confused column in the Feb. 20 Daily is a shocking indictment of how pervasive and insidious racism is in our country.
A person’s culture and a person’s race are two entirely separate things. Yes, certain cultures do consist predominantly of a certain race. But this is a reflection of that culture’s relatively primitive development compared to Western culture. As an autonomous individual, a member of one race can subscribe to a culture completely different than the one into which he was born, but only if that different culture will have him. In Western culture, the doors are open to a wider array of people than any other culture in the world. This is a badge of honor, and a sign of Western culture’s superiority.
Race is merely genetic and does not determine one’s mental content or merit. Cultures are systems of ideas, each to be judged on its ability to serve man’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; which is the only rational standard. If you doubt my standard, and want to accept all other cultures as equal, consider that this means we should not condemn the virtual slavery of women in the Middle East, nor should we find it abhorrent that the pleasure-hating tribes of some African nations still practice a barbaric ritual of holding down their screaming adolescent women as they cut off their clitoris!
Stop confusing race with culture! This is a dangerous confusion that leads the advocates of multiculturalism into racism. If race and culture are inextricably linked, then your ideas are linked to your skin color and your blood. The same kind of obfuscations that are poisoning the minds of the multi-cult were made by Hitler, who started out advocating Western culture and ended up confusing that culture with the Aryan race. The results of such a confusion are well known and do not require elaboration.
Ayn Rand — a Russian Jewess (ethnic profile provided for the benefit of the racist multi-cult) makes it brilliantly clear in her essay “Global Balkanization,” the encouragement of people to have pride in their races and/or tribes is not only not the solution to racism and conflict, rather it is the surest way to guarantee that racism continues.
The West, through the enlightenment thinkers and the founding fathers (who Brian Johnson so recklessly attacks) were the first in history to establish the civil liberties that we all enjoy today.
To the racist multi-cult I say, stop contradicting yourself by condemning the racism of the past and advocating racism for the future. Who cares what the founders thought? Brian, when you write your column, remember where that First Amendment protecting your free speech came from lest you be damned as the hypocrite you are!
Scott Johnson
Objectivists at ISU