Realistic approach

Michael Dosmann

Hats off to Theresa Wilson for her direct, yet eloquent editorial “Beardshear Eight needs a lesson in civil disobedience.” She should be given credit for putting to ink the side of an issue not often found on this campus or within the pages of this publication. Her realistic perspective is good medicine for ISU.

There is truth in her subtitle, “It’s a hard road ahead.” I applaud any group of people, who in this day and age of apathy, unite and stand up for their beliefs. Unfortunately, I feel that the September 29th Movement has lost a bit of its credibility of late. To be taken seriously, one must be willing to accept, even embrace, any punishment received on account of his or her actions.

In Wilson’s words, “It is the stance in the face of punishment that gives civil disobedience its force.” Who wants to support the leaders of an organization that, instead of wearing their battle scars with pride, choose to search for a way out, calling ‘no fair?’ From what I can tell, the administration acted within its bounds; responding to the Movement’s actions as could be expected.

To the September 29th Movement leadership: If you choose to fight City Hall, do so with conviction and accept the hand dealt to you; your respect and credibility are on the line.

Michael Dosmann

Graduate Student

Department of Horticulture