Did you vote in the GSB elections?

Stephanie Murphy

Charles Benton



“Yes, I will be voting. Students need to get active in the stuff GSB does because it affects the student population as a whole. Everybody and GSB need to be involved in diversity issues and there needs to be more communication between faculty members and students. The parking problem needs to be looked at too, especially for off campus students.”

Jaime Davidovich



“No. My friends are running too. I just haven’t had time and didn’t have a chance to get over there. I don’t think it matters because it will probably be the same way next year as it was this year.”

Luke Reed


Textiles and clothing

“No, I didn’t but yeah I will. Because if you don’t vote then you don’t have a right to say anything.

First of all, GSB needs to get their heads screwed on straight about what goes on in the elections — like the campaign zone. That’s the first thing they need to get done. Then they can worry about all the other problems they got.”

Andrew Gottlieb

Graduate student


“Yeah, I’ll vote today. It’s important to vote. It’s the only way to voice an opinion.”

Ken Wells


Hotel and restaurant management

“Yes. I want the right person to get the job. I want the person to listen to the students as opposed to dictating to the students, and to stop the bickering and fighting.

I want an honest person to get the job … to go on the line for the students and back the students in whatever the students need … to feel the GSB president is doing a good job.

If an overwhelming number of students say something is wrong, then GSB should look into it.”

Rhonda Dase


Agriculture business

“I was, but I never had time to get over to the Union. The campaign seemed really short.”