Proper representation

Vanessa Lutz

As the Iowa State Daily finished its series profiling the five slates that are running for GSB President and Vice President, it has become evident that all candidates intend to represent “the best interests of the student body.” I must say that this phrase is as rhetorical as “No New Taxes.”

How do any of the candidates know what MY needs and interests are? After all, without knowing my needs and interests I cannot be properly represented. Thank goodness for GSB senators who offer representational opportunity for me and all of my fellow students.

Eliminating these seats in the GSB only leaves the needs and interests of minority and international students to be interpreted by college and residential senators. Senators that believe it is in MY best interest to supply the cancer-causing Cigar & Pipe Society with exorbitant amounts of money.

For this reason alone, I beg any eligible voter, with the smallest appreciation for culture or the least bit of integrity not to let this happen. The future of popular GSB-funded, international, student-sponsored events such as Diwali Night, Global Food Fest, International Week, numerous events sponsored by international student associations and basic services such as the airport shuttle could be put in jeopardy of going “up-in smoke!” To eliminate this possibility, compulsory that voters pencil in suitable REPRESENTATIVES for the international senator positions.

There’s an old country song that claims, “You gotta stand for something or you’ll fall for anything!” I stand for the representation for all my fellow students, that includes those from abroad! I ask those candidates running for president, vice-president and senate positions and to all constituents, What do YOU stand for?

Vanessa Lutz


Ag Education and International Ag