Lunch time with the provost

Jennifer Young

The Iowa State Faculty Women’s Network will have an opportunity to talk with ISU Provost John Kozak on Monday, Feb. 10 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

Tanya Zanish, curator for the archives of women in science and engineering and a representative of the university committee on women, said the forum will provide a chance for women faculty to discuss several issues.

“It’ll be a chance for women to raise any issues that they think the provost can answer,” Zanish said.

The group usually meets once a month and has a topic or agenda to talk about.

Normally the group has 15 to 20 women attend, but Zanish expects more this time.

“I think the attendance will be fairly large,” she said. “I think we’ll have a higher number this time.”

The meetings give a chance for women faculty to discuss issues such as tenure or different problems that arise within their departments. Zanish said they can come to the meetings and get answers so they won’t be so “stressed out” about things.

“I think it’s important for women faculty to network with each other and to support one another,” Zanish said.

Zanish said one of the sessions in the past dealt with prioritizing one’s life, and she hopes to take elements of that session and go into more specifics with it at future meetings.

Another possible topic for a future session is obtaining feedback from women faculty about the mentoring program, sponsored by the provost’s office.

Zanish said there will be more speakers this spring including Mary Sue Coleman, the president of the University of Iowa and a possible meeting with former U.S. Senator, Nancy Kassebaum.

The meetings usually last from noon to 1 p.m. Women can get their lunches from the MU food court or they can bring their own sack lunches.

ISU Faculty Women’s Network Events

Mon. Feb. 10

Conversations with John Kozak, Provost

12:00-1:00 p.m. Gold Rm., M.U.

Mon. Mar. 17


12:00 p.m. Gold Rm., M.U.

Tue. Mar. 18

Conversations with Mary Sue Coleman, President of University of Iowa

5:00 p.m. Campanile Rm., M.U.

Date and Time to Be Announced

Conversations with Nancy Kassebaum, Former U.S. Senator from Kansas

Fri. Apr. 11


12:00 p.m. Gold Rm., M.U.