Despite no crowd surfing, Type O rock Des Moines

Ben Jones

Type O Negative proved that it could definitely rock the house Tuesday night at Des Moines’ mega-bar, Super Toad.

The gothic-metal band opened the show with “Wolf Moon (Zoanthropic Paranoia)” and soon seethed into the vast majority of their biggest songs to date.

Playing on a stage that was almost obscured by smoke and pulsing lights, the band delivered “Love You To Death” and “Christian Woman,” two of the many songs that had audience members singing along.

The mosh pit went on to explode during “Kill All The White People” and “Black Number One.”

Type O Negative ventured further into the land of sonic frustration by doing a cover version of Neil Young’s “Cinnamon Girl.” Afterwards, lead singer Peter Steele told a story about how he met Young after one of their previous concerts.

Apparently, Young told the group that its version of “Cinnamon Girl” was the worst thing he’d heard in his entire life.

This story prompted several audience members to scream that they wanted to hear the song again, but the group went into a furious rendition of The Door’s “Light My Fire” instead.

Other songs that were played included “My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend,” “Die With Me” and “We Hate Everyone,” which was in response to breaking news that O.J. Simpson was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

But the concert wasn’t without its snags. Ross Palmer, a member of the audience, stated that he was upset because crowd surfing was not allowed.

“At the beginning of the show it was made perfectly clear that anybody who crossed the barrier in front of the stage would be kicked out of the concert,” he said. “This made crowd surfing damn-near impossible because the crowd always pushes the surfer towards the stage.”

Another incident occurred which made the audience and band members very upset.

“There was a 16-year-old boy who tried to sneak backstage and was beat up pretty badly by security,” one audience member said. “The kid was only, like, 4 1/2 feet tall and he got hit right in the face by a three-hundred pound bouncer.”

This resulted in the teen’s eye being dislocated from its socket, a broken nose and several missing teeth.

“There was simply no need for anything like that to happen,” a spokesman for the band said. “The kid was just trying to get an autograph and ended up being assaulted. Now we have 16 police cars outside to deal with. All this goes to show that it isn’t the audience who cause the problems; it’s the security.”

The night also included an opening set by Sister Machine Gun that didn’t seem to go over particularly well with the audience. The big surprise, however, was the Swedish female group, Drain, who played a frenetic set.

The band’s sound was similar to Alice In Chains cut with Slayer and Pantera.