A definition of fairness

Todd Turner

I cannot believe what I have seen lately in your paper! It seems that everyone believes that “diversity” is so important, that only people of your own race can represent you and that you must actually allocate seats in your student government to specific types of people. What are they teaching you these days?

Did anyone ever hear of the “melting pot” theory? Does anyone have the guts to try and actually earn their keep anymore, or is it too easy to try and guilt people into giving you power because of your race or some other thing that you think makes you unique? If international students want to be elected, then let them run for an open seat; not a special set aside seat. If I was an international student, I would be offended that people thought I needed some type of a set aside seat; it is an insult.

The liberal teachers are polluting your heads with this trash! This country is great because of freedom, and too many people are content to let others diminish our freedom for the unachievable goal of “fairness.”

Here’s my suggestion; abolish all set aside seats, and let the best people win! If they happen to be all black, so what. If they happen to all have one eye and three feet, so what. If they happen to all be women, so what. Learn to compete.

Todd Turner

Logan, Ohio