Grassley takes to the airwaves today

Daily Staff Writer

Senator Grassley will go on the air Thursday across Iowa, taking questions from Iowans on his work in the 105th Congress.

“Ask Your Senator: A Live Town Meeting” will air Thursday from 7-7:30 p.m. on cable outlets across Iowa. The show will appear on channel 27 in Ames.

“As I work to represent Iowans in the U.S. Senate, I am committed to discussing issues with Iowans whenever possible. It is an important part of my job to listen to concerns and respond to questions,” Grassley said, according to a press release.

“So I encourage Iowans to play an active part in the two-way process of representative government. I hope many Iowans will take advantage of this call-in program,” he said.

The show will air on the third Thursday of every month. Senator Grassley will take questions from Iowans with a moderator to help guide the show.

Iowans who want to ask questions or make comments can call 1-800-736-8255.