Stop whining already

Rob Zerwekh

It started with “Revenge of The Nerds” look-alike Rob Daniel’s column, where the main point was to call Kansas the Jayskunks. Certainly a less-than-original insult. Now the yellow journalism craze has passed on to Brandon Belisle, who really didn’t mean anything he wrote about a conspiracy and politics, since he’s just bitter.

You see, Kansas hasn’t stayed on top of the polls because the referees have a grudge against other teams, they play like one of the best teams in the country, and are certainly deserving of such praise.

It’s not the referee’s fault that Kelvin Cato can’t keep his hands to himself and make silly fouls, he’s just an inexperienced player.

KU won because of stifling defense and clutch plays. Willoughby could’ve thrown it from New Zealand, and it still would’ve gone in. However, Holloway was non-existent, Bankhead was building a brick wall, and the bench served the purpose of fouling. Obviously, Cato’s exit helped, but that’s just part of the game.

To set one item straight, the only politics played in college basketball is the Eastern bias. No Big 12 or Big 10 team really gets any respect. It’s a rumor that ESPN really stands for Eastern, Southeastern, Pacific Network.

There is no referee bias. In case you didn’t notice, LaFrentz and BJ Williams each had four fouls long before the game was over. The Kansas City Star is a professional establishment, not run by students, so they should certainly be courtside. That’s not even the hometown paper, the Lawrence Journal-World is. I should know, since it’s my hometown.

Anyway, best of luck against Missouri on Wednesday. They beat us, and they hung in with Wake Forest. Don’t take them lightly, and don’t assume the universe is out of order if a call doesn’t go ISU’s way.

Rob Zerwekh


Lawrence, Kan.