Teachers do well

As legislators who hear from many Iowa State University students, staff and faculty and as residents who have close ties to the university, some as former undergraduate students ourselves, we know that faculty commitment to quality undergraduate teaching and learning has been unfairly characterized in recent days. We all know professors who spend countless hours preparing classroom material to help students learn more readily and more completely, developing and using grading procedures that are fair and comprehensive, guiding students in their individual learning, and advising students as they pursue their chosen careers. None of these activities is counted in the actual contact hours spent in front of the classroom.

We also believe deeply in the three-part mission of ISU as our state’s land grant university. We are proud of the work our faculty performs in educating students, both undergraduate and graduate, both on campus and at a distance, both in formal courses and in informal settings all across the state. We are proud of the research our faculty conducts on problems and issues affecting us as citizens of Iowa and of our nation. And we are proud of the extension and outreach our faculty provides to meet the needs of Iowans where they live, go to school and conduct their business. Thank you!

Johnie Hammond


Cele Burnett


Bill Bernau
