Restoring harmony

J.R. Grant

Somewhere, buried in the slashing chords and lost in the distortion of today’s Top 40 hits, lies the foundation of music, the foundation that laid the groundwork for everything that was to follow.

It is a music that thrives on harmony and natural tones. It is chamber music, and the Ames Town and Gown Chamber Music Association brings that sound to the public by sponsoring chamber music concerts throughout the Ames area.

“We love listening to chamber music,” said The Ames Town and Gown Chamber Music Association’s publicist, Cindy Scholten.

Chamber music, which is performed in small groups, consists of stringed instruments or vocalists, sometimes both. The Association, which has been in existence for 50 years, is composed of volunteers who enjoy this kind of music.

Scholten said the group sponsors five concerts a year. She said the concerts are held in small venues so the audience is able to be as close to the performers as possible.

Some concert sites she mentioned include the Ames City Hall Auditorium as well as the Unitarian Universalist Church.

“All the concerts are small so that people feel a proximity to the performers,” Scholten said. “Each show is usually followed by a reception so people can meet the musicians, as well.”

This Saturday, the group will hold its Winter Musicale. The Musicale is a fundraiser to provide funding for the concerts in the 1997-98 season.

The Musicale will feature some of the brightest musical talent in the Ames area. Scholten said all of the musicians have some connection with the city of Ames.

“Some have university ties and others are simply Ames residents,” Scholten said.

Featured performers include the Ames Piano Quartet as well as the Ames Children’s Choir and vocalists Janet Alcorn, Elizabeth Swanson and Donald Simonson.

The Musicale will also feature violinist Marika Fisher Hoyt along with pianists Paul Ferrone and Helen Marlais.

The Musicale will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets for the event are $25 and are available by calling 232-1282. Scholten said the group has already received close to 100 reservations.