Giving proper credit to those who deserve it

Daily Staff Writer

Think back to all the professors or colleagues you have had, all the teacher’s assistants and associate professors and deans and assistant deans and counselors and advisers you have had contact with.

Did any of them wow you? Are there any classes you would recommend taking just to learn under a certain professor? Any colleagues who made a sometimes tough job easier?

Now is your chance to let that faculty or staff member know how well he is doing and how much you appreciate his effort.

In an effort to recognize outstanding faculty and staff members at Iowa State, we will run weekly profiles on the people you nominate.

To make it even easier to nominate an outstanding faculty or staff member, there are three ways to do so.

Nominations should include the name of the person making the recommendation, the person being recommended and a brief message about why that person should be recognized.

Send nominations either via e-mail to [email protected], by phone to the faculty and staff editor at 294-3690, or by mail to the Iowa State Daily, 108 Hamilton Hall.

Faculty/Staff Nomination Form

Faculty/Staff member: ___________________________

Nominated by: _________________________________

name phone #

I think this person deserves recognition because:

Please return this form to the Daily, 108 Hamilton Hall