A moment in time
February 25, 1997
A momentous occasion is defined in Webster’s dictionary as something that is important, and consequential. Well Iowa State University had a very momentous occasion occur this weekend. It was called the Big Eight Conference on Black Student Government. There were so many chances for people of color to meet, network, relax and enjoy Iowa State’s campus that I forgot for a minute that reality would slap me in the face Monday morning.
But my conference, as I call it because I feel that it was put on for me and every other minority student on this campus (be they black white, gay, lesbian, or indifferent), strengthened me to finish out this semester.
I hope that it did the same for all who attended. And for those of you who worked you butts off, break your arm patting yourself on the back. We did good.
As we heard many times this weekend we put on a BOMB conference. Keep Yo Head Up. (That was a workshop for anyone who was unfortunate enough not to attend!!)
P.S. President Jischke, I hope you took Dr. Scott’s words to heart.
Yasmin A. Blackburn
English and History
GSB Senator