Black Power Revisited

Editorial Board

The Big Eight Conference on Black Student Government was held this past weekend, and Iowa State was the host of this once a year event.

Next year it will be the Big 12 Conference, but no one at Iowa State will forget this year’s Big Eight Conference.

There were over 1,000 participants and presenters from all over the Midwest in attendance this weekend for food, workshops and, of course, parties.

Some of the highlights included the POWER Jam, the gospel extravaganza, the step show and a 70’s jam. But the weekend just wasn’t about parties.

Throughout the day, everyone was busy going to workshops on topics from the September 29th Movement to black economic development.

Keynote speakers like Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, Dr. Kesho Y. Scott, Mrs. Elaine Brown and others were among the highlights. Students could also attend a career fair and look at different vendor merchandise.

Although the Big Eight Conference on Black Student Government only comes to Iowa State once every eight years, Iowa State should try to host more conferences like this every year.

Not only was this a success for Iowa State, but it was also a success for the Ames community. Black Student Government thanked the Ames community and Iowa State for helping them host the conference.

In return Ames received 1,000 hungry, tired people who bought food at local restaurants and stayed in local hotels.

So, as you can see, this was an overall success for everyone involved, and it was an activity for everyone to enjoy.

Everyone got their HEHE-HAHAS on, their groove on, their eats on and were united to educate and celebrate POWER. … Black Power Revisited.

POWER to the people.

To the people be the POWER.

See you in another 12 years.