Pellett should get informed

Editorial Board

Regents, of all people, really should do their homework.

They ask us, after all, to study and to learn, to develop into big people.

Regent Nancy Pellett, of Atlantic, however, apparently didn’t think there was anything due at Wednesday’s meeting, when the board voted 7-2 in favor of renaming Cyclone Stadium/Jack Trice Field to Jack Trice Stadium.

It’s not so much Pellett’s vote that bothers us. The Trice issue is super sensitive, and there are many views. But her reasoning just doesn’t make sense. She said she based her decision on “several calls” from alumni who didn’t want the stadium renamed. Basing a decision on calls from angry people is dangerous in itself, but we’ll put that aside.

What’s really troublesome was Pellett’s statement about us. “I don’t think the student body is in favor of it,” she said at the meeting.

That’s funny. We are the student body, and we’ve heard nothing but support for a Trice Stadium.

What’s more, a November survey of nearly 500 randomly selected students found overwhelming student support for a Jack Trice Stadium. Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed felt the stadium should be renamed. Only 12 percent didn’t, while 19 percent had no opinion.

What’s more, the ISU Government of the Student Body has passed unanimously, on more than one occasion, a resolution calling on the regents to rename the stadium.

What’s more, ISU President Martin Jischke told the regents, told Pellett, that he has found strong student support for a Jack Trice Stadium. He said 85 percent of student-athletes surveyed supported renaming the stadium.

What’s more, the Trice movement was started by students and kept alive for 22 years by … can you guess? Students.

Pellett should have known these things. The Trice issue is important to us. We’ve spent 22 years on it. We didn’t think it was too much to ask that Pellett have her assignment done in time for class.

Guess we were wrong.