Be proud of what you have done

Elisa Strachan

The Bill of Rights if the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees its citizens the unalienable right to freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully. Yet the Iowa State University administration seems to believe that these rights are merely privileges that may be taken away at any time if they don’t happen to like what we have to say in our free speech at our peaceful assemblies. This would seem to imply that the university administration is a higher authority than even the United States federal government.

I am absolutely appalled at the charges and verdicts faced by the eight student leaders. Where was their so called misconduct? I saw no violence, nor did we stop the business that goes on everyday in Beardshear Hall. Does our Constitution’s First Amendment not give us the right to let our opinions be known? Evidently not, especially if one disagrees with the All-Mighty university administration.

Why then, did they not charge all the participants? Clearly, these are our opinions also. This may be simply explained, in that the university is using these people as an example. It is the perfect scenario: eight students in good academic standing and the leaders of prominent campus student organizations. Suddenly, because of a minor violation of university policy, they have had to face an OJA hearing with the threat of conduct probation or possible suspension.

This is obviously the administration’s way of saying to the Movement, “Don’t mess with us or we’ll take you down.” This is a terrible injustice to the student body. These people were elected to their positions by the students in their organizations. It was their choice. What right does the university have to take away our choices?

Throughout our lives we are taught to be leaders, not to bow our heads in shame each time an “authority” disagrees with us. We are taught not to back down. These people simply exercised their leadership abilities. But would they have been charged if they did not want to change the name of Catt Hall?

To those eight courageous student leaders: Hold your heads high and be proud of what you have done. You have been inspirational in the time and dedication you have given to the Movement, and I hope you will continue in the future.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter …”

— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Elisa Strachan

