Daily Staff Writer

Feb. 14

* Frances Scott, M222 Knapp Hall, reported that there had been a fire in one of the rooms on the third floor and that the fire was out. She requested that the fire department be dispatched to clear the smoke out of the area. The fire was caused by a candle that had been left burning on top of the TV set.

* Dave Wells, ISU Tool Crib, reported that Gene Leamen, an ISU employee, had been using a 12-volt cordless drill in the Black Cultural Center, 517 Welch Ave. He said that when Leamen left the center, the drill was missing. Estimated loss is $200.

* Ryan R. Kroup, 3237 Welch Hall, reported that he had locked his bicycle, to the bike rack on the East side of Roberts Hall. When he returned, the bike was gone. No suspects. Estimated loss is $450.

* Steve W. Veysey, 1761 Gilman Hall, reported that a Mettler Balance was taken from 1701 Gilman Hall. Estimated loss is $400.

* Hao Wang, 17A Schilletter Village, reported that his bicycle was taken from the bike rack outside of Agronomy Hall. Estimated loss is $90.

* Steve Soseman and Ryan Kolbo, 3319 Friley Hall, reported that personal property was taken from their room. Soseman said that 5 CDs of his were missing. Estimated loss is $90. Kolbo said that six of his Playstation games were taken. Estimated loss is $115.

Feb. 16

* Khen Malaythong, 808 S. 13th St., Nevada, reported that while his vehicle was parked at the food service dock at Maple Hall, someone poured salad dressing on the roof and hood of the vehicle, and put whipped cream, shaving cream, or mayonnaise on the driver side door handle and mirror. Unknown damage to the paint at this time.

* Jennifer Donahe, 394 Linden Hall, reported that she has been receiving annoying phone calls. She said that the message that was left on her answering machine was made in reference to sexual activity. She said that the caller sounded like it may have been a female, and the caller called Donahe by name.

* Osvaldo Torres, 142E University Village, reported that his wallet was taken from the men’s locker room in Beyer Hall. No suspects. Estimated loss is $62.

Feb. 18

* Officer stopped a vehicle at Lincoln Way and Hazel for weaving over the roadway. When officer talked with the driver, Steven John Wailes, 704 Burnett, he noticed a strong odor of alcohol about Wailes’ person. Officer administered field sobriety tests, which he failed. Wailes was placed under arrest for OWI.

* Tony Sambo, 1208 N. 3rd St., reported that while he was in the steam room in Beyer Hall, someone took his wallet from his clothing. He said that he didn’t cancel the calling card right away and there are now 52 calls on the missing card.

* Matt Gumm, 223 Linden Hall, the RA for Merrill House, reported money stolen from Merrill House.

Feb. 17

* Mike Dolan, 1225 Delaware Ave. #1, reported that he left his backpack and contents unattended on the 3rd floor of the Lied Recreation Center while he did some running and lifted weights. When he returned, his property was gone. Estimated loss is $319.