IRHA told to form committee

Greg Moberly

After the formation of a student committee, Director of Residence Randy Alexander hopes to come closer to a decision about the recent summer storage debate.

Randy Alexander told IRHA President Rob Wiese to form a committee to address the student concerns about storage.

“Students have made some good points,” Alexander said. But, he said, he is still concerned about liability issues.

“If we agree to store items, then we are liable for damages that may occur to items that are in storage if they are damaged,” Alexander said.

Alexander said that he doesn’t want the residence halls “to be in the storage business.”

Alexander said if he does decide to allow summer storage, students will probably be charged for the storage. He also said students may be charged by the square foot.

Wiese said he is working on a plan for summer storage. Students will be charged before storing items and will be partially-reimbursed when they return from summer break.

There will be a limit to items students can store, such as carpets, lofts and couches.

Alexander also said he hopes to see more consistency throughout storage options because right now each building offers a different amount of space for storage.

“Hypothetically speaking in some cases, I think it would be better to store students’ belongings in one big room during the summer as opposed to eight small rooms,” said Alexander.

In addition, Alexander also hopes to set a policy for items in storage that are not claimed by students after the summer because the students do not return for fall semester.

Alexander would like to have the student committee’s recommendations by spring break.