Religious irony

Andrew Krzmarzick

If you paid close attention to the Daily on Thursday, Jan. 23, you would have witnessed an incredible irony unfold. On page five, Brian Johnson wrote an intriguing article “The many faces of Christianity” calling for all Christians “to take to the streets.” He further declares, “You’ve lost the name ft your religion to the rich, the powerful, and the petty … because you haven’t spoken up.”

Perhaps this wasn’t fair, however, as there appear to be several inspired students ready to take such action on the next page (6) “Pursuing faith with passion.” After attending a worship conference over break, these members are eager to inform the average lowa Stater, “If you don’t believe in God with all of your heart and accept Christ to forgive all your sins, you are going to hell.” Of course they don’t want that to happen.

But then one need only look across to page seven to read a story “Coat stolen from church,” about a proclaimed Christian who has “suffered” the theft of a $3,000 mink coat at Collegiate Presbyterian Church.

If you have ever read the gospel accounts of Jesus, you would understand that Christ wouldn’t approve of that mink coat anymore than Ralph Reed’s suit coat. Who’s going to hell here? Or maybe the better question is: Who’s the thief?

Mr. Johnson’s words echo in my ears: “Stop talking about morality and start practicing it. Stop having these feel-good ‘it’s okay to be Christian’ rallies and start living your religion.” Either these three articles occurred in the same issue due to unexplainable phenomena or Brian Johnson just may be a prophet.

Andrew Krzmarzick

Senior in Philosophy