Cyclones still a top team despite losing a few road games

Cade Remsburg

I was really hoping to be able to do a huge ole’ column on our Cyclones and how great they are going to be this year, but we got beat by Colorado.

Actually, this doesn’t really deter my thinking of our skills, but I did miss the game (well, heard it on radio), and saw the Kansas game in a crowded bar, so I doubt I am an expert on the ‘Clones’ past week.

Instead I would rather touch on a lot of subjects concerning the big two universities in the state of Iowa.

In my opinion, the Cyclones are still a top 10 team with an easy road schedule and a home crowd that should help them win all their home games.

I see only two more possible losses for the Cyclones, and that isn’t too shabby at all.

Iowa State, however did drop six spots after losing by 25. Something tells me that the pollsters have a very good idea of what they are doing. Finally!

There is no doubt in my mind that the voters went back, looked at the games, saw that Willoughby barely played in the combined two games and gave the Cyclones a pillow to fall on as they free-fell through the polls.

As Chris Clair succinctly put it, “Dedric Willoughby, and not the Cyclones, are ranked number 14.”

Well, onto the Iowa basketball team. If you don’t like the Hawkeyes, well, I suggest you stop reading this column now.

Those of you who are still with me know that it is easier to avoid fat in a fast food restaurant than it is to avoid the Hawkeyes in the state of Iowa.

I really like this team. Almost all the stars are gone from last year, but this team just got better.

The story of the Hawkeyes’ season parallels the season of the Maryland Terrapins.

Both teams lost almost all their stars, were ranked horribly in the preseason and have bucked the odds.

The last subject I would like to address in my college basketball spectacular is the future of Iowa basketball player Jess Settles.

Settles was injured early in the season, and is currently sitting out due to what seems like a new injury every day and has the choice of sitting this season out and joining the team next year or playing again this year when his injuries heal.

Settles has said repeatedly that he will return to the Hawks year to finish out his college career if his injuries allow it.

No need to worry about his back though, his back certainly isn’t injured!

If it seems that Settles is always concerned about his draft status, why does he want to head for the draft with an injury-ridiculed senior season?

Why not finish the year on the pine, hope for a healthy year next time around, and hopefully get drafted?

Another reason I don’t like this idea is I am afraid it would ruin the chemistry of the Hawkeye team. The Hawkeyes are no great team, they are just a mediocre team playing greatly.

And on a final note, my favorite to win it all is handsome Keith Van Horn and the Utes.

Cade Remsburg is a senior in journalism and mass communication from Ames, Iowa.