The gift of life

Aaron Lagrange

Why is it that we do not realize what a gift life really is? Today we are controlled by our day to day activities and the acquisition of wealth. This leaves no time to reflect on the importance of life. I believe if we were to reflect on our very existence, that we exist because someone prior to our birth respected life, we would have a change of heart. If we disrespect human life, we participate in, condone, or tolerate abortions, homosexuality, bombings, pornography, contraception, shootings, sexism, racism, war or suicide. All of these things are not simply choices, they degrade human life. I am not here to condemn, rather I write this in order to encourage people to respect all life.

This letter may cover a range of controversial topics, but as a body of people, we are allowing, supporting, or taking part in all of them. They all can be traced back to a disrespect for human life. I pray that we will understand the importance of respect for all life.

Aaron LaGrange


Mechanical Engineering