Teach-In was a big success

Editorial Board

Iowa State received a great treat yesterday by members of the September 29th Movement and various other campus organizations.

The Diversity Teach-In the Movement organized Tuesday at the Gold Room of the Memorial Union was received by many.

Hundreds of students, faculty and staff listened to a variety of speakers give presentations throughout the day about issues of diversity, multiculturalism and political activism.

For many, it was truly an educational experience without the worry of having to take notes or read textbooks.

For everyone, it was time to listen, learn, enjoy and soak in the valuable presentations that provided information and commentary about racism, sexism, sexual orientation, gangs, Catt Hall and much more.

At the same time, the Teach-In also gave students, faculty and staff of this university a chance learn about other campus organizations, such as the Asian Pacific American Awareness Coalition, LGBT Student Services and a handful of professors.

The overwhelming crowds eventually forced the Teach-In to be moved to the South Ballroom.

The September 29th Movement is to be congratulated for this tremendous opportunity it provided for Iowa State and for a job well done.

The Teach-In gave Iowa State an insight into serious issues with which our society and university have dealt since the beginning of time. It can be guaranteed these same issues will still be with us in the 21st century, years after members of the Movement and most current students have left Iowa State.

Therefore, it is important for organizations to keep teaching, keep learning and keep informing audiences about the issues with which many in society are confronted each day.