KURE to hunt for answers

Amanda Knief

Twenty-six hours of madness will begin next Friday.

The 32nd Annual KURE Kaleido Quiz, which kicks off Feb. 7 at 3 p.m. and finishes Feb. 8 at 5 p.m., will feature scavenger hunts, trivia, music and a whole lot of craziness.

“It’s going to be crazy,” said Rob Wiese, assistant general manager of KURE and DJ for the event. The event is organized by the campus radio station and is open to all Iowa State students.

Registration forms are available at the station in 1199 Friley Hall. Registration and the $20 entry fee are due Jan. 31, with an additional $5 fee for teams that register after the deadline.

Teams can have any number of participants.

KURE is the only station in the country that is entirely student-run and non-profit.

“We don’t make any money off this. The entry fee goes towards the extra phone lines we put in for every team,” Wiese said.

Each team is given its own phone number to call at the answer center at KURE. Students tune in to KURE 88.5 FM to hear the trivia questions read over the air, then call in with their answers.

“Every six minutes a trivia question will be read over the air, and teams will have six minutes to call in the right answer,” said Jason Hoppenworth, a senior in mechanical engineering and director of Kaleido Quiz.

“You don’t have to have brains to answer the questions. Just know a lot of useless knowledge,” Hoppenworth said.

However, it’s not just trivia. Teams will also have to go on scavenger hunts and go around campus to answer questions such as: How many stairs are there in front of Beardshear Hall?

Music montages will also be played. Teams must call in the name of the song after hearing 3-4 seconds of music. Montages of movie quotes will be played over the air. For each quote, teams will have to name the movie it came from and the actor who said it.

This year there will also be an Internet scavenger hunt set up, through which students must navigate their way. “Teams can split up and divide the various competitions,” Hoppenworth said.

Right answers will get points for the teams, and the team with the most points after 26 hours will win. The winners will get prize packages donated from area businesses.

“Winners will get champion T-shirts and their choice of prize packages,” Wiese said.

Traditionally, Kaleido Quiz has been a huge production. In the past it has been large enough to receive national news coverage, he said.

“In the late ’80s, over 6,000 students participated and every single residence floor had a team competing,” Wiese said.

“It’s a lot of fun, and if students are looking for something to do, it’s a great time,” Hoppenworth said.

“We know there is espionage between teams and we were told by Parks Library that two teams have already checked out over 100 trivia books,” Hoppenworth said.

Hoppenworth, who is in charge of point distribution, said he is looking for creative answers from the teams, which will earn them bonus points.

Anyone interested in participating or has questions should contact the station at 294-4332.