Biased liberal media

Dan Mcleran

President Clinton unveiled his budget for the nation Monday. All I want to know is, where’s the outrage? Where is all the name-calling and whining?

The president plans to limit per-capita spending on Medicaid to grow 4 to 5 percent a year in an attempt to balance the budget by 2002.

In the words of the liberal press, if this were a Republican proposal, ‘The President of the United States wants to kill poor people by letting them die in the streets without the benefit of medical care’.

I haven’t actually read this in any newspaper yet but I’m sure it will happen, right?

The press wouldn’t want to appear to be slanted, would it?

When the Republicans tried a similar policy for Medicare, the liberal press had a field day with these sort of specious allegations.

The Jan. 14 edition of the NY Times has this headline, “Clinton’s Draft Budget Seeks Curb on Medicaid.”

Curb? Why not “Slash” or “President Wants to GUT Program for the Needy”?

I’m rather surprised I didn’t see this hateful type of coverage when a liberal proposes to “cut” a federal program.

Maybe the fine, non-biased people at the Daily will give the president the same type of treatment the Republicans got when they tried to “cut” a federal program.

What do you say?

Dan McLeran


Chemical Engineering