Trick-shot pool guy is heading back for encore

Luke Dekoster

A world-renowned billiard trick-shot artist is set to put on a demonstration in the Memorial Union’s recreation center Friday.

Jack White will host a free exhibition, scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. He will lead a teaching session from 2 to 4 p.m. to provide instruction for anyone who wants to improve his or her game.

White is widely known for his personable and audience-friendly style.

“His show is popular because he’s always talking and joking,” said Doug Wondersee, program adviser for the Union. “He’s a great entertainer who happens to be a fantastic pool player.”

Born in New York City, White started playing pool when he was eight years old. He learned the game from family members who were involved with the billiards supply business.

White’s career as a professional included one run in an event in Bangor, Maine, in which he pocketed 319 balls in succession. Other highlights include many television appearances and a visit to the White House.

After his stint on the professional pool tour, White became a licensed instructor. He now travels year-round, performing in exhibitions and classes.

White performed last year on campus.

Doug Swanson, the recreation center’s manager, said White kept the atmosphere light last year, through interaction with his audience, and he even challenged one student to a game.