Diversity Teach-In

Daily Staff Writer

Workshops and presentations that address diversity, multiculturalism, and political activism held on Tue. Jan. 28 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

8:10-8:50 Racism, Sexism and the Class Struggle

Brian Lemberger, Staff and

Bamshad Mobasher, U of Minn.

9:10-9:50 ‘Where No One Has Gone Before:’ Using “Star Trek” to Negotiate Sexual Orientation in the Classroom

Deborah Crown and Jim Francis, Grad. Student

10:10-10:50 Theatre and Political Controversy

Prof. Susan Carlson and students of Eng. 561

11:10-11:50 Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party: Originators of the Rainbow Coalition

Milton McGriff, Grad. Student

12:10-12:50 Carrie Chapman Catt in Context: Historical and Ethical Issues

Lynn Wellnitz and Meron Wondwosen, Undergrads

1:10-1:50 The Racism of Well-Meaning White People: Strategies for Moving Beyond Silence

Prof. Jay Berry and Kel Munger, Grad. Student

2:10-2:50 How Should We Argue About Controversies?

Prof. Michael Mendelson

3:10-3:50 Walk Straight into Our World

Reis Pearson and Jackie Simpson,

LGBT Student Services

4:10-4:50 Anti-Racist Education 101

Prof. Karen Donaldson

5:10-5:50 We Are Not Sojourners, We Are Here to Stay

Mary Lee Vance,

Asian Pacific American Awareness Coalition

6:10-6:50 Go Back Where You Came From, featuring the play “G.I. Joe Meets Suzy Wong”

Asain Pacific American Awareness Coalition

7:10-7:50 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Sept. 29th Movement, But Didn’t Know Who to


*except for what our lawyers don’t want us to discuss

Tai Coleman and Renee DeLong, Grad. Students