ABC was right

Alan L. Light

Every American should be very concerned about the fact that ABC News has been ordered by a jury to pay the Food Lion supermarket chain more than $5.5 million for reporting a true story. The press is our watchdog.

ABC did a very important public service by going undercover to reveal a greedy corporation bleaching and selling old meat and repackaging rat-contaminated cheese.

The Food Lion supermarket chain did not dispute the validity of these claims in court. Instead, it avoided the truth and sued for trespassing and fraud, because the reporters went undercover with hidden cameras.

Past undercover operations have revealed everything from banking fraud to corrupt politicians. They have increased public safety. But what news organization, particularly smaller ones, will now risk a potentially bankrupting lawsuit for reporting a true story? This jury’s decision allows large corporations to bully the press, to the detriment of all of us.

Which stories will the press now pass up? More cases of contaminated food products? Unsafe veteran’s hospitals? Child abuse at day care centers? Shoddy airline maintenance?

ABC’s story saved consumers more than just stomach aches or nausea — it reconfirmed the importance of having a watchdog press.

Alan L. Light

Iowa City