A letter paradox

Ryan Mcginnis

Aaron LaGrange’s letter to the editor (printed Jan. 30) is rather contradictory. In it, he warns that, “If we disrespect human life, we participate in, condone, or tolerate abortions, homosexuality, bombings, pornography, contraception, shootings, sexism, racism, war or suicide.”

This is ironic, as all of the above are caused by the act of living. Take war for example; there are very few who would argue that war is a “good” aspect of society, yet it is caused by being human. We all have differences, we all disagree and we all tend to take things to the extreme. The underlying causes of war help define humanity; and were you to somehow remove them, we’d be less human. We’d be disrespecting human life.

The same can be applied to any one of the topics above (some of which I believe should not even be in the list; his inclusions of homosexuality, racism, and sexism all in the same list of vices is a huge pocket of irony imbedded in an already ironic letter), and thus makes his letter a sort of paradox.

Ryan McGinnis


Meteorology/Computer Science