The journey toward Christianity

Brian Downing

Regarding Brian Johnson’s article in Thursday’s Daily (Jan. 23), I agree that Christians do need to speak out and stand up for what they believe in. We also need to examine whatever we are being told in our youth groups and churches and make sure that it lines up with the Bible. Just because a youth group leader or pastor says something does not make it so.

What Mr. Johnson doesn’t understand is that Christianity is a journey, not a destination. Becoming a Christian is not like waving a magic wand and making all of your bad habits and thoughts disappear. Christians struggle with things like hypocrisy and revenge just like the rest of the world.

Yes there are hypocrites and radical extremists in the church but should we judge an entire group of people by a select few that the media choose to point out? That is called prejudice and it is stereotypical and wrong. I don’t know which campus youth group you “snuck” into but I can assure you that what you saw was in no way typical of campus gatherings and I do hope that in the future you will do a little more investigating before making up your mind on a subject such as this.

There are many great Christian groups here at Iowa State and none of the ones I know of is an “it’s ok to be Christian” rally. I personally attend The Salt Company. It’s a place and time to show newcomers what the Lord is doing in Ames and for Christians to get together and share their struggles with other people who are in the same boat and to be re-energized and encouraged in their Christian walk.

I agree that Christ is coming back but not as a “transvestite pulling a welfare scam” as you say in your article. I think it will be more like this: “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.” — Mark 13:26-27.

I hope that you Mr. Johnson and everyone will take the time to learn about Christianity and what God can accomplish in your life. Attend a church service, go to a youth gathering, best of all take some time to read the Bible. You might find exactly what you’re looking for.

Brian Downing

