Seniors will give volleyball, tennis courts to Iowa State

Luke Dekoster

Iowa State’s Class of 1997 has voted to fund the construction of new sand volleyball courts and tennis courts as its senior class gift.

The gift is a way for the seniors to “give their last little favor” to the university, said Troy Carmann, a senior class officer.

The site for the courts has not yet been determined. The number of courts will be determined by how well the upcoming fund-raising drive goes. Senior Class Challenge officers have a goal of raising at least $80,000 for the new facilities.

The Challenge will kick off on March 24, when members of the Student Alumni Association will call seniors to request pledges.

Construction will begin as soon as a location is chosen. According to Carmann, work should be done in time for alumni to enjoy the facilities when they return for homecoming festivities in 1998.

All contributions not used for the courts will help finance restoration of the library’s upper rotunda study area, which finished second in senior class voting last semester.

In the past, senior classes have funded projects including the concrete signs that identify ISU campus buildings and the landscaping of the courtyard on the west side of Pearson Hall.

All seniors graduating in the spring, summer or fall of 1997 should consider contributing, said Haley Aduddell, a senior class officer.

“We’re confident that the gift idea will be a fun and exciting way to be remembered,” Aduddell said.

An in-the-works engineering complex is prompting the removal of the tennis and volleyball courts near Beyer Hall.