Trice statue move delayed

Daily Staff Writer

Severe weather Thursday delayed the moving of the Jack Trice statue in front of Carver Hall.

With blizzard-like conditions, it was impossible for the statue of the Cyclone football great to be removed for refurbishing. After the face lift, it will be placed in front of Cyclone Stadium.

Steve Jones, of the Iowa State News Service, said, “It wasn’t necessary to have the statue moved yesterday. We just didn’t want to expose the workers to the terrible weather conditions.”

Postponing the removal of the statue will not affect the date the statue is expected to return from refurbishing in Connecticut, Jones said.

The statue will be lifted onto a truck and shipped to a conservator for maintenance on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 10 a.m.

Upon completion of its exterior maintenance, the Trice statue will be relocated early this summer at a site east of the Olsen Building, near Cyclone Stadium/Jack Trice Field.