What are some of the most annoying actions you’ve seen by students in class?

Sherron Killingsworth Roberts

Assistant professor of curriculum and instruction

“The most annoying comment upon missing class is, ‘Did we do anything in class today?’

“I always tell them the first day of class that that comment is my pet peeve, so they usually don’t ask it. I always hated not knowing what sets professors off, so I just tell them.”

Alan Atherly

Professor of genetics

“I don’t think there are any. Nothing annoys me — I’m a pretty easy going guy. I’m used to hats … occasionally someone falling asleep … “

Dawn McDonald

Professor of health and human performance

“When a student comes back after being absent and asks if we did anything important while they were gone. We like to think we do something important everyday.

“Students make the job — I’m very pro-student. I have to chuckle every time they say that, and underneath I don’t think students mean it the way it comes out.”

John Maves

Assistant professor of architecture

“Reading the Daily and talking during lecture. When a student talks during lecture, I usually stop talking and start staring at them. They usually notice the room has gotten very quiet and look up. Then I ask them if they want to share with the rest of us.”