
Denis Bland

Okay, Cade. Loosen up, buddy. Yeah, the Packers did their share of taunting, celebrating and general showboating, but that’s better than the terrorizing done by the “boys” from Dallas. The Cowboys’ fall from America’s Team to America’s Most Wanted only opens the door for America’s Real Team to once again be recognized. Get used to it. The Pack is back! And as long as Mike Holmgren and Brett Favre are in the Greenhouse, Desmond Howard and Bad Moon Rison will have plenty more opportunities to twist and shout. But that’s next year. As for now, let’s just sit back, relax, and enjoy the spoils of victory. As Mark Chumura so accurately observed, the Lombardi Trophy is back where it belongs … in Titletown.

Oh, excuse me Cade, how rude! Would you care for a little cheese with your whine?

Denis Bland

JLMC ’76

Bettendorf, Iowa