Stars to shine in Varieties

Jason Young

If you have not seen the stars lately, don’t worry.

It is guaranteed the stars will shine for this year’s Varieties program, “Catch a Rising Star.”

This year marks the 65th anniversary of Varieties, a student variety show sponsored by the Student Union Board.

“Varieties is a neat opportunity for the average Joe to have stage performance experience,” said Julie Waggoner, past competitor and current co-publicity chair of Varieties.

“This is great experience for those students who want to perform,” said Marguerite Folger, assistant professor of theater and a Varieties judge last year.

Many students believe Varieties is limited to students in the Greek system. But Jessie Smith, Varieties student director and producer, said all ISU registered students can participate.

Residence hall floors have banded together to perform in the show in the past, Smith said.

“The amount of time and energy put into this thing is huge,” Smith said.

Smith and a 12-member committee began planning this year’s show in August.

A panel of judges, made up of ISU faculty and other members of the community, give contestants feedback after each show.

“We give them our first impression of their work and suggestions,” Folger said. “Sometimes we are brutally honest with them.”

For each of the first three weekends, the performances will be moderated by emcees and will include two skits and three vignettes, which are short descriptive sketches.

Other shows in the past have showcased acoustic guitar performances, duets, four part harmonies and comedy skits, as well as skits and vignettes.

Trophies will be presented to the top contenders in the shows, which will include nine performances over a four week period. Performances during the first three weeks will take place on Jan. 25, Feb. 1 and Feb. 8.

These shows begin at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Ticket prices are $4 and are available each Wednesday prior to a show at the Memorial Union ticket office.

After the late performance on Feb. 8, the judges will announce the finalists that will perform in the following week’s performances, called “Sweepstakes.”

The “Sweepstakes” shows will take place on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 15 at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Ticket prices for the “Sweepstakes” performances are $6 and are also available at the Memorial Union.

All shows are held in the Memorial Union’s Great Hall.