Vests help visibility

Stacey Dale

Need help? Look for the person wearing a vest and all your computer problems can be solved.

MacKay Hall computer lab monitors in Room 108 are now wearing vests in order to be recognized by students looking for help.

Ed Damman, the system supervisor of computer labs for the College of Family and Consumer Science Administration in MacKay Hall, came up with the idea.

“The reason for the vests,” he said, “was to make our employees more visible so students would recognize lab monitors.”

Damman implemented the idea shortly after semester break, after spending $100 on five new vests.

Reaction by the employees has been mixed. “Resistance,” Damman said, “will probably decrease as time goes by.”

Vince Danca, a lab monitor, said he knew some students had complained because they didn’t know who the lab monitor was.

Steve Bulfer, another lab monitor, understands the problem as well. “It’s a slight problem on how to identify who’s working, who’s not working,” he said.

But he added what he thought of the vests themselves, saying his first impression was that of “jelly beans on a black formal vest.”

However, at least one student said the vests are an improvement in the computer labs.

Gina Kruse, a freshman in animal science, said whenever she has a computer question there usually is a monitor in the lab.

However, distinguishing that person from the rest of the students in the lab was often a tricky process, she said.