SUB seeks interested students

Brian Klein

Students interested in having a say in the Memorial Union’s operation can apply now for positions on the Student Union Board.

The Student Union Board of Directors is currently taking applications for five positions. Vacancies are open in the following positions: vice president, fine arts, multicultural, advertising and organizations outreach.

Applications will be accepted in the SUB office located in the west side office space in the Memorial Union.

At last week’s SUB meeting, members discussed bowling alley renovations in the Union.

The floor has been resurfaced and fluorescent lighting has been added. This has been done in order to give a “midnight bowling” effect to the alley.

Renovations also have been made to the Workspace, a creativity space in the Union.

It has been painted and an elevator has been added for easier accessibility. Classes in the Workspace begin this week.

The Student Union Board of Directors were busy during winter break to schedule musical entertainment and shows for Iowa State students.

David Newton, the Maintenance Shop director, said he booked several musical acts for the upcoming semester.

“As director of the Maintenance Shop, I try to bring in a variety of entertainment for everyone to enjoy,” Newton said.

He said the music will range from reggae, ska, rap/funk, traditional celtic, rock, alternative, folk-pop, blues rock to country and acoustic rock.

Another popular student entertainment act, Grandma MoJo’s Moonshine Revival, will also continue this semester. The improvisational shows are held every other Wednesday in the M-Shop beginning Jan. 22.

The comedy skits include musical compositions by Jason Sturges, a music major at Iowa State.

Other student attractions include the M-Shop theatre, performances where students are allowed to act out one-act skits. The performances will be held at 8 p.m. Feb. 24-27.

Varieties director, Jessie Smith, said there will be weekly competitions starting Jan. 25 and ending Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. and 9.

The shows will feature students acting in comedy sketches as well as performances by jazz, voice, and acoustical artists.

Varieties shows are open to the public.

SUB will also sponsor a variety of films throughout the semester. The films are shown on the weekends. Admission fee is $2. Film titles and time of showing will be announced soon.