Don’t insult Troy Davis

Dana Johnson

Following ISU sports from Washington, D.C., isn’t always easy. Transplants like me get few rare chances each season to see our games played on satellite at a bar somewhere. Other than that, we have to rely on ESPN highlights and anything we can get our hands on to read. For that reason, having the Iowa State Daily online is obviously a big bonus — usually.

However, I found your December 13th editorial about Troy Davis troubling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan, but your editorial says that he is the current epitome of Iowa State football, Iowa State athletics, AND Iowa State University. Maybe so, but your editorial then went on to say that he epitomizes these things because he ran for 2000+ yards. Hello? I think Troy Davis represents much more than just an incredible football player.

Perhaps he epitomizes Iowa State because in him we all share the spirit of the underdog. Perhaps he epitomizes Iowa State because like all of our sports teams, he has to fight for the credit he so rightly deserves. Perhaps he epitomizes Iowa State because he represents a new standard of excellence. Don’t insult him or the rest of the school by using such a simplistic view of what makes him great, or what makes us all so proud of him.

Dana Johnson

ISU alum

Poli Sci ’93