Women’s basketball is more than exciting

Lisa Staulter

I am writing to congratulate the athletes and the coaching staff of the ISU’s women’s basketball team. The women gave a very impressive performance against Colorado on Jan. 18. I can honestly say that was one of the most exciting games I have ever watched.

I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire game. The women played their hearts out from tip off until the final buzzer that ended the double-overtime competition. Each player has total respect for herself, each other, coaches, the game and ISU.

The only thing lacking in this program is support. They need the same roaring, screaming and booming support that is given to the men’s basketball team.

So if you want to see some great basketball head over to Hilton for a women’s game. They will definitely give you something to scream about. They will prove that women can play ball too!

Lisa Staulter


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