Iowa State Daily

Jan. 24.

* Antwan Clinton, University Book Store, reported that the glass window had been broken out in the University Book Store. They discovered a Saturn game system, empty boxes and computer memory, had been taken from the display area. Loss is $1,954.95.

* Rafael A. Perez, 228 Welch Ave. #8, reported that he had left his supplies in a locker near Room 54 in the Design Center for about an hour. When he returned, he found his art supplies gone. He said the locker was not locked at the time of the theft. Estimated loss is $150.

* Michelle Lea Grzes, 2323 Wallace Hall, reported that some time before Thanksgiving, she had three hall keys, and a pouch containing her ISU Card, her Illinois driver’s license, her ISU fee card, a Cy-Ride pass, her ISU season football ticket and her credit card, taken from the bathroom near her room in Wallace Hall. On Jan. 18 all of the items, except the keys, were mailed back to her, cut up in a letter.

* DPS officers received three separate alarms from Jack Trice Field. Officers checked the area, and found no sign of entry onto the field. There was quite a lot of blowing snow in the area, that made the alarm go off.

Jan. 25

* Trisha Erb, 6302 Larch Hall, reported that two of her textbooks were taken from her room. Estimated loss is $160.00.

* Robert Berles, 1330 Larch Hall, reported that someone has been playing jokes on him, and then calling him on the phone and making fun of him. He said that on Jan. 24 someone put shaving cream all over his door, oiled popcorn seeds under his door and put a greasy substance on the door knob.

* Officer stopped a vehicle in the 100 block of Campus Ave. for no headlights or seat belt. While officer was talking to the driver, Brandon D. Belisle, 7345 Larch Hall, he could smell an alcoholic odor coming from him. Officer administered field sobriety tests to Belisle, which he passed. Belisle came to our office, went to DPS and was cited for .02 violation.

Jan. 26

* Susan Petrea Sand, 23, 528 Welch Ave. #15, was arrested for driving under the influence at the corner of Lincoln Way and Campus Ave.

* Christopher John Hudrick, 22, 1312 Ontario St., was arrested on Welch Ave. for public intoxication.

* Officer stopped a vehicle on Stange Road and 24th St. for speeding and a burned out headlight. When officer talked with the driver of the vehicle, Brent Gengler Starbird, 3500 Grand Ave. #2, officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol about Starbird’s person. Officer administered field sobriety tests, which Starbird failed. Officer cited Starbird for expired plates, he placed Starbird under arrest for driving under the influence.

* Officers responded to a motorist assist and found the driver under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. Kevin Michael Wilson, 20, 214 Gray Ave., was arrested on the scene.

* Officer received a complaint that a vehicle was parked in the solar car parking area on the west side of Sweeney Hall. Officer ran the license plate, but DPS was unable to locate the owner. The vehicle was towed to Bud’s Service Center, where the owner can get it.

* Dean Michael Budden, 24, 147 Campus Ave., was arrested at the intersection of Lincoln Way and Campus Ave., for driving under the influence.

Jan. 27

* Cheung Chan, 4915 Todd Dr. #13, said that he had been stopped in Missouri, and the trooper told him that he had a suspension waiting to be served in Iowa. Chan came to the DPS office to be served the suspension.