New York businessman visits Iowa State classes

Jennifer Young

The third executive-in-residence for the College of Business will be visiting the Iowa State campus next month.

Dennis Purdum, vice chairman and regional managing partner at Ernst & Young LLP in New York, will be on campus Feb. 13 and 14.

The executive-in-residence program began in the Fall of 1995. The program brings top senior-level business leaders to campus to interact with students, faculty, staff and administrators.

Barbara Clark, the executive coordinator for the college of business, said Purdum will be “specifically meeting with students in different classes.”

He will also be speaking at an open forum where he will have the opportunity to meet with ISU administration and also with the College of Business faculty and staff.

The title of Purdum’s speech is “Prospering in Today’s Rapidly Changing Business Environment.” The open forum will be held on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Two other business leaders have also served as executive-in-residence.

Clark said the goal is to have an executive each semester to come in and share their expertise.

Michael Birck, founder, president and chief executive officer of Tellabs was the first executive-in-residence in March of 1996.

Richard O. Jacobson, founder, president and chief executive of Jacobson Warehouse Company and Jacobson Transportation Company, Inc., served as the next executive-in-residence last October.

“This is, to our knowledge, unique on the ISU campus,” Clark said. “It’s bringing in high-level executives to interact with students, faculty and staff.”

Clark said the program fits well with the college’s new five-year strategic plan.

“We want to hit each of our five areas,” Clark said.

Purdum will represent the accounting area in the College of Business. The four other areas include finance, marketing, management, and transportation and logistics.

“We’ve had very good reception to it both on campus and from the community,” Clark said.