P.E. Building may get new name
January 15, 1997
Daily Staff Writer
Students and faculty may be calling the Physical Education Building by a different name if an Iowa State naming committee has anything to say about it.
The university committee in charge of naming buildings and streets submitted a recommendation to ISU President Martin Jischke to rename the building, which is commonly referred to as P.E.B.
The recommendation to rename the building after former head of the physical education department, Barbara Forker, lies in the hands of Jischke. As with all building name changes, the recommendation from Jischke will be passed on to the state Board of Regents who have final approval over the new name.
The woman being honored, Forker, headed the physical education department from 1958 until 1986.
She is an Ames resident and holds a master’s degree in vocational education from ISU.
John Anderson, interim director of university relations, said it is premature for the administration to talk about the recommendation unless Jischke approves it and submits it to the regents.
“I anticipate a recommendation will be made by the president to the Board of Regents” during the regent’s February meeting, he said.
Forker, who is currently in Arizona, could not be reached for comment.