Gifts for vet college

Luke Dekoster

The College of Veterinary Medicine and its library will be receiving $240,000 in gifts, University Relations sources revealed this week.

The Mansfield Foundation of Belle Plaine, Iowa, has given $150,000 to be evenly distributed over five years. From the Mansfield’s gift, $107,000 will be used to purchase computer workstations, storage drives and books for the library’s collection, according to Carolyn Opsomer, Library Development.

The remainder of the money will fund the development of interactive teaching software and the purchase of equipment for the college’s teaching hospital.

The foundation, which is the legacy of former Iowa farmers Wesley and Irene Mansfield, was also a benefactor of the college four years ago, when it gave $50,000. The Mansfields owned a filling station and farm in Belle Plaine, and were “very interested in livestock and farming,” according to Jim Brehm, director of development for the college.

The Vet Med library was also the recipient of a $90,000 donation from the estate of H. Hugh and Mary Dukes. Opsomer said most of these monies will be placed in an endowment to complement the Mansfields’ gift, and the remainder will be used to purchase electronic reference databases and periodicals.

“We’re always trying to improve the library,” said Murray Blackwelder, Vice President for External Affairs. He added, “We’re excited because we don’t get many gifts specified for the library.”

Mr. Dukes served as an ISU professor from 1921 to 1932 and again during the 1960s. Dukes was also an ISU alumnus.