Media turn a deaf ear

Kenneth Wessels

Drew Chebuhar is right about the corrupt nature of U.S. Foreign policy in Latin America.

Yes, the T.V. and newspapers ignore the systematic and ongoing nature of this policy. The Hearst empire started that practice.

American academia also perpetuates it through political science textbooks used nationwide.

“Morality stops at the U.S. borders” is a favorite saying taught as an axiom of foreign policy.

That explains the deaf-ear approach to the protests about the Central American death squads.

Dictatorships promote a good investment climate. That is what Benito Mussolini and his government promoted for quite a while in Italy.

Hitler’s central appeal at first was to end the strikes by labor and the Marxist demonstrations in the streets so Germany could get back to work.

The expensiveness of these low-production-cost goods is another good point Drew makes.

That technique allows for the continued growth of a wealthy class in both in the U.S. and Central America.

The poor just muddle along and less of them are needed than ever before.

It isn’t like the public or Wal-Mart is gaining from that differential like some believe. They pay an almost-U.S. price.

If you look hard you can see a link between that evil policy of political murder, cheap production across the border and even political science departments.

That is an unlikely combination but is at the roots of charges of “campus complicity” that goes back to the Vietnam War era.

Kenneth Wessels

Iowa City