In Brief

Daily Staff Writer

*Sorry, no dance tonight

A graphic in Thursday’s Daily said a dance will take place at a fund-raiser for the Ames Boys and Girls club at 9 p.m. at the Knapp/Storms Commons. That dance had been in the planning but since has been canceled.

*Miss dinner? Try potluck

There will be a Multi-National Winter Potluck sponsored by the International Agriculture Club tonight at 6:00 in the basement of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.

Anyone interested in attending should prepare a food item to share with others and should sign up by calling 233-9364 or by e-mail [email protected].

*Lunch topic: ‘Ice-olation’

Iowa State women faculty and staff will discuss issues over lunch today to alleviate isolation problems for ISU’s women employees. The discussion, “Feeling Ice-olated?” will take place at noon in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union. Those attending must bring their own lunches, and the event is open to the public.