What’s all the fuss about?

Jesse Brennan

Why are people upset about the college freshmen from New Jersey who killed their newly born child?

Did we not just re-elect a president who vetoed a bill that would outlaw the barbaric practice of partial birth abortions, where a child is partially delivered and then the skull is crushed before the child is fully born?

Did we not just re-elect Tom Harkin as our senator who twice voted to support partial birth abortions?

Don’t give these college freshmen the death penalty. They only did what some elected leaders, NARAL and Planned Parenthood advocate as a “right.”

If someone’s human life is inconvenient to you (which by the way, you chose to create), get rid of it! Your personal autonomy is more important than your child’s life.

Could someone please enlighten me why this young couple deserves the death penalty when what they did is only minutes away from what our President Clinton, Senator Harkin and others have endorsed?

Jesse Brennan

