Leading the voices behind Hilton Magic

Cho Minkyung

Iowa State’s cheerleaders have gone years without a coach, unlike many schools, but now they have a new face to help teach cheerleading and give feedback.

Erica Henry began her job as the spirit squad coordinator in October. The new position was created to promote the environment of the athletic department. She has been involved with cheerleading programs for years.

“When I came here I saw that [the cheerleaders] really needed a coach to watch and lead them,” she said, “but their talent is great. …They really learn quickly and really help each other.”

Henry has degrees in public relations and advertising from the University of Arkansas, where she was a cheerleader.

Coaching the cheerleaders involves being concerned about the management of groups through many of their cheers and routines as well as coordinating events and public relations.

Another role of the cheerleaders’ coach is to analyze their behavior and feelings during the game and facilitate their needs.

Brad Hoyt, squad captain and senior in communication studies, said, “We need a coach to help organize us and get us better relations with the athletic department.” He said Henry helps make the cheerleaders’ job easier.

Henry went to the Alcorn State men’s basketball game during Thanksgiving break and quickly discovered the game’s atmosphere was dead because the band and cheerleaders were not present.

“The crowd was actually asking where they were,” she said. “I felt like they wanted to yell certain things like ‘defense.'”

Molly Richardson, squad captain and senior in marketing and speech communication, said, “She very much keeps us where we are supposed to be at the right time, and what we are supposed to be doing.”

Henry said she is trying to bring more enthusiasm to the current Hilton Magic by incorporating new music, cheers and squad formations into the cheer routines.

At the same time, she plans to buy new uniforms for the squad as well as new cheering equipment which is necessary for the cheer interpretations.

Richardson said Henry has made several positive changes and expects that she will help the cheerleaders reach their goals for the 1996-97 cheer season.