Finalists for Foundation president visit ISU

Jennifer Newcomb

Two of the three finalists for the position of President of the Iowa State University Foundation have visited ISU, and the third will visit on Friday.

Dr. Donald R. Gray, vice president of the University of Wisconsin Foundation, visited ISU on Nov. 22. As vice president, Gray is the head of the development efforts of nine colleges.

Preceding his vice president position, he was senior director of development for the UW School of Business, according to a press release.

Thomas J. Mitchell, vice president for development and university relations at the University of Northern Illinois, visited ISU on Nov. 25.

As vice president, Mitchell is responsible for overall planning and administration of nine departments. Prior to this, he was the acting director for development and university relations and Foundation executive director, according to the press release.

Dr. John J. Mitchell, vice president for the university advancement at the University of Northern Iowa, will visit ISU on Dec. 5. As vice president, Mitchell is responsible for four offices.

These are the offices of Development, Alumni Relations, Conferences and Visitor Services, and the UNI Foundation. Previous to this position, Mitchell was the vice president for development at Davis & Elkins College, in Elkins, W. Va., according to the press release.

The President of the ISU Foundation was previously held by Murray Blackwelder, who is now ISU’s vice president of external affairs.

Jim Hopson was in charge of the search committee, but now that the finalists have been found, Blackwelder has taken over with the hiring process.

The committee sets up an interview process with President Martin Jischke, Blackwelder and key members of the Foundation Board of Directors. The interviews usually last about one hour.

During this time, the finalist will visit with the deans of the colleges and the staff of the ISU Foundation. The finalist will also meet most of the people they will work with on campus.

The committee will then take the recommendations and invite one of the finalists back. This time, the spouse of the finalist will be invited.

“We hope to have invited someone back by the week of Dec. 9,” Blackwelder said.

Two of the finalists have already been through the interview process. The last finalist will visit tomorrow.